30 Nov

While a tooth crown doesn't require special care, you must follow good dental care, such as brushing and flossing your teeth at least two times a day and visiting a dental office near me for regular checks or deep cleaning at least twice a year. However, having a dental crown doesn't mean you won't get dental diseases and infections.

What is the procedure of dental crowning? 

For preparing a tooth crown, unusually, you need two dental visits because, in the first step, a dental clinic near me examines and prepares your tooth. In the second one, they place a dental crown. 

Examining and preparing the tooth

In the first step, your dentist prepares a dental crown. In this, they examine your teeth with the help of digital scans and X-rays to check the roots of your tooth's surrounding bone and gums. Root canal treatment may be performed first if your tooth has excessive tooth decay or if there is a risk of infection.  Before the procedure of crown making starts, your dentist will numb the tooth with the help of local anesthetics around the tooth. Next, they will reshape your teeth's surface and sides of the crown to make space for your crown. The amount of trimming may depend on the use of the crown, or if a large space of your tooth is misused due to decay, dental offices near me use a dental filling material to build the support for the crown.  After reshaping the tooth, your dentist uses paste or putty to make an impression of the tooth for a dental crown. Sometimes your dentist uses a digital scanner to make an impression of the teeth above and below the surface to receive a dental crown that also ensures the crown won't affect your bite.   

The impression or scans are then sent to a dental lab, where they will fabricate the permanent crown. The crowns are then returned to your dentist's office in two to three weeks. Furthermore, suppose your tooth crown is made of porcelain material. For the dental crown procedure, your dentist uses a color guide to blend the teeth with neighboring teeth.  

During the first visit, they will make a temporary crown to cover and protect the prepared tooth while the permanent tooth made. The temporary crown usually is made of acrylic, and they place the temporary crowns with the help of temporary cement. 

Receiving the permanent dental crown

During the second visit, they will remove the temporary crown and check the fitting and color of the permanent crown. If everything is okay, they will numb your teeth with local anesthesia, then place the permanent crown with dental cement. 


Suppose you suffer from missing, huge decay or cavity around your teeth. In that case, you should consider visiting a dentist for thorough treatment and diagnosis. Then they may recommend a Tooth Crown Procedure to protect further and provide functionality like the original teeth.

Article Source : https://www.healthandhealthytips.com/does-a-crowned-tooth-require-special-care/    

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